Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Germany. 3

Last days:
1. Old is so much more beautiful than new.
2. America is way too new. And I pray that my family never wants to come visit, because what the HECK would I show them? Krispy Kreme? Costco? That's all I got.
3. It's just so stinkin' pretty. And I love my Germany family. And I can't wait to go back with my Winston family. And parasailing off those giant mountains is still ridiculous.

Germany. 2.

Day 2/3ish in Germany:
1. I've never enjoyed botanical gardens so much in my life.
2. Oktoberfest starts in September. Who knew?!
3. Giant pretzels are a perfectly acceptable breakfast. And lunch. And dinner.
4. LOTS of people go to Oktoberfest.
Check it: (oh, and remember to click on the slideshow if you want to see the pictures bigger and read the captions.)

Germany. Take 1.

I had so many wonderful and clever things to say about my trip to Germany with my mom. But that was a long time ago, and now I have a cold. So this is what I've got (click on the slideshow to see them bigger and read the captions):
1. Germany is pretty fantastic and if there was a mini-germany here in Winston, I would so move there.
2. There are flowers everywhere. Love this.
3. There are well behaved dogs in the finest of restaurants. Also love.
4. Chocolate.