Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

Dogoween. It's our new Halloween tradition. There's a radio station here in town that hosts Dogoween every year and I've always wanted to go, so the girls and I decided to head out early Friday morning to see all the dogs dressed up for Halloween trying to win the $1,000 prize. (with that much money on the line, you know some time went into the costumes.) Really - it was just an easy way to pet a LOT of dogs, which is the most fun for Kate and Anneliese. And that night we got all dressed up (mean lion and fancy ballerina) to score some candy. yum.


Emily said...

I love this idea! Which dog won?

Jeanette said...

Are you absolutely sure, based on the previous blog post "Sorry May (and sometimes Fletch)", that Kate didn't have her hand in the dog's costumes?!