Sunday, October 5, 2008

Funnest Wedding Ever!

So this weekend, we had the pleasure of attending the funnest wedding ever! (I originally told Blake that I thought that after our wedding - this was the most fun wedding we had been to. But then Blake said, "Yeah - this is actually better than ours." He was right.) My friend Laura and her pretty great guy Derek put together a really fun day at this awesome camp in Chapel Hill. It all started with an afternoon of giant trike rides and water balloon races (plus loads of other games) and ended with a super sweet wedding back in the woods overlooking the lake. Oh - and did I mention that it was catered by Carrburritos? Seriously good burritos. If you're ever in the area, I would highly recommend them! Congratulations Laura and Derek!
And also (for you girls) - one of the best wedding dresses ever!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Shucks! We're not #1 anymore?!!